To participate and become trained in any of the below ministries, fill out a time & talent form here.
Weekend Sacristans & Weekday Sacristans: Sacristans arrive one-half hour prior to Mass to prepare the vessels and coordinate the Mass ministers. After Mass is concluded, they help pick up and put the vessels away.
Lector: Readers are commissioned for the purpose of proclaiming Scripture for all liturgies. High school students and adults are encouraged to participate in this ministry of the Word.
Eucharistic Minister of Holy Communion: The ministry of being a Eucharist Minister of Holy Communion is a special role. Ministers in this role help the pastor distribute the Precious Body and Blood of Christ to the parishioners. High school students and adults interested in this role must be commissioned by the pastor.
Eucharistic Minister of Holy Communion for the Homebound: Eucharist Ministers of Holy Communion for the Homebound have the same roles and responsibilities as a regular EMHC. However, an EMHC for the Homebound offers their time to deliver communion to an individual at Ravenwood Nursing & Rehabilitation, in the home, or in the hospital.
Usher: Children accompanied by an adult, teens, and adults are invited to offer their gifts of hospitality and assistance to parishioners and visitors at Mass. Ideal ushers would display a character of friendliness, warmth, and flexibility.
Gift Bearer: Gift bearers are individuals or a family who present the gifts of bread, wine, and financial contributions on behalf of the whole assembly at Sunday Mass. Ushers select the individuals or family prior to Mass. You may also volunteer by calling the rectory in advance or by offering your service to the ushers.
Mass Server: Children in at least 3rd grade and adults are trained to serve at the altar for parish liturgies. Servers are also invited to serve at weddings, funerals, and other special liturgies.
Launder Altar Linens: Individuals who launder the altar linens take the time to properly wash and dry the sacred cloths used during the Mass and then return them to the sacristy.
Church Cleaning: Maintaining a clean worship space is vital to worship and liturgy. Teens and adults are encouraged to offer their time and work to help clean the church periodically throughout the year. This will help keep Sacred Heart a beautiful and prayerful space.
Do you want to share your talents? call the office at 319-234-4996